Walkin-interview for Field Assistant /Technical Assistant/Project Associate/Project Scientist

Posted 3 years ago

NCESS conducts Walk-in-interview for the following positions on temporary basis for a period of Six months.

Date & Time of Interview: for Post code 01 to 16: 4th May 2022, 9.30 a.m.

Date & Time of Interview: for Post code 17 to 20: 5th May 2022, 9.30 a.m.

Venue: NCESS, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 011.

Post CodeDesignationVacancie sQualifications
      01      Field Assistant      1Essential: 3-years Diploma in Civil Engineering. Desirable: Experience     in      field     and     laboratory experiments on soil and water.Handling / Operating basic hydrological instruments.
      02      Field Assistant      2Essential: Graduate     degree     in     Geology     from     a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Two years of field / laboratory experience in water / sediment / rock quality / physicochemical assessment studies along with the handling of GIS.
        03      Technical Assistant        1Essential: 3-years       Diploma       in       Electronics       / Instrumentation / Computer Science. Desirable: Three-year experience in relevant field operations.Experience in collection of beach profiles, AWS maintenance, deployment & retrieval of oceanographic instruments, knowledge in oceanographic data processing.
04Project Associate-I1Essential: Master’s degree in Geophysics / Marine Geophysics or equivalent from a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Experience in handling of seismological data collection, processing and analysis.
   Experience in relevant field of seismological tools to decipher the structure and anisotropy.Working knowledge on Linux / Shell Scripting / MATLAB.
        05      Project Associate-I        2Essential: Master’s degree in Geology or equivalent from a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Experience in geological field mapping, petrographic studies, sample processing and data collection for geochemistry and geochronology studies.Experience in making thin sections and processing of geological samples.
      06    Project Associate-I    1Essential: Master’s degree in Hydrology / Water Resources from a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Experience    in     hydro-climatological     data analysis and hydrological modelling.
          07        Project Associate-I        1Essential: Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences from a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Two years of research experience in water / sediment quality assessment studies / physicochemical / biological analysis.Experience in GIS, environmental modelling studies.Experience in field and laboratory work related to water quality studies.
08Project Associate-I1Essential: Master’s degree in Oceanography / Marine Sciences / Geology / equivalent from recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Minimum three years of experience in relevant field.Experience in Numerical Modelling (MIKE 21 / Delft / ROMS).Deployment of oceanographic instruments, post-processing of oceanographic data, data analysis; beach profile measurements, computation of volume changes and shoreline mapping.Experience in data analysis and programming skill in MATLAB.Experience in Sediment collection, sampling and testing – PSA.
        09      Project Associate-I        1Essential: Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics / Computer science from a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Minimum three years of experience in relevant field.Experience      in       data      analysis       and programming skill in Python / MATLAB.Experience in image and video processing.
              10            Project Associate-I              1Essential: Master’s degree or equivalent in Meteorology / Atmospheric Science from a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Two years research experience in the field of Atmospheric Science / Meteorology.Experience in the field of microphysics of precipitation using in-situ observations. Experience in field operations, measurement techniques and data analysis using Matlab.Handling the data operations using Micro rain radar and ceilometer instruments. Atmospheric data coding with MATLAB, FORTRAN.
          11        Project Associate-II          1Essential: Master’s degree in Geophysics or equivalent from a recognized University / Institute.Two years’ research experience in gravity and magnetic data collection, data processing and modelling. Desirable: Experience in Geosoft 3D / IGMAS+ and LitMod modelling software.Computational    skills    in    modelling    and inversion.
          12        Project Associate-II        1Essential: Master’s degree in Geography from a recognized University / Institute.Two years of R&D experience in Environmental Impact Assessment and natural resources management. Desirable: Expertise in mapping, GIS and remote sensing.Demonstrated     research    experience    as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications.
  13Project Associate-II1Essential: (1) Master’s      degree      in      Environmental Sciences from a recognized University /
   Institute. (2) Two    years    of    R&D     experience    in environmental / river basin studies. Desirable: Working experience in GIS, Sigmaplot, Systat and Aquachem software.
        14      Project Associate-II        1Essential: Master’s degree in Hydrochemistry / Chemistry from a recognized University / Institute.Two years of research / field experience with hydrogeochemical analysis (water / sediment quality assessment studies). Desirable: Basic computer handling knowledge.Skills in handling analytical instruments.
        15      Project Associate-II        2Essential: Master’s degree in Geology or Water Resources from a recognized University / Institute.Two years’ experience in a science and technology institute. Desirable: Water quality analyses in coastal aquifers.Experience in modelling groundwater flow and contaminant transport.
                16              Project Associate-II              1Essential: Master’s degree in Electronics from a recognized University / Institute.Two years’ research experience in the field of Atmospheric Science / Meteorology with a focus on microphysics in tropical clouds and rainfall. Desirable: Expertise in the installation / maintenance of microwave radiometer, ceilometer, micro rain radar and fog monitor etc in the field stations.Experience in working in remote atmospheric observatories.Publications in SCI index journals in the relevant field.Familiarity with Matlab, FORTRAN, Python.
    17    Project Scientist-I    1Essential: Doctoral degree in Physics from a recognized University / Institute. Desirable: Experience in spectroscopic technique and Fluoresce emission analysis.
18Project Scientist- II1Essential: (1) Doctoral    degree    in    Physics    from    a
   recognized University / Institute. (2) Three years’ research experience in palaeomagnetism in R&D / Scientific Institutions / S&T organisations. Desirable: Research experience in palaeomagnetic and palaeointensity studies with peer reviewed publications in the area.Analytical experience   in   palaeomagnetic and palaeointensity data collection and interpretation.
            19          Project Scientist- II          1Essential: Doctoral    degree    in    Geology    from    a recognized University / Institute.Three    years    of    R&D    experience    in Quaternary Studies. Desirable: Demonstrated excellence in research as evidenced through publications in peer reviewed journals.Capacity to independently undertake research programs and supervise research work in Paleoclimate Studies, Sediment Geochemistry, Radiocarbon Dating.
20Project Scientist- II1Essential: Doctoral degree / M. Tech. in Oceanography / Ocean Technology / Marine Sciences / Marine Geology / Geology / equivalent from a recognized University / Institute.Three years of research experience in relevant field. Desirable: Publication in peer reviewed national / international journals.Participation in scientific cruise and use of marine instruments / equipment for data collection like ADCP, VMP, CTDs, Thermistor chains, Piston Corer, Grab Sampler, etc.Deployment of marine instruments in shallow water for hydrodynamic data collection, post-processing of oceanographic data, data analysis; beach profile measurements, computation of volume changes and shoreline mapping.Studies related to infra-gravity waves, coastal processes, shelf sea dynamics etc.Experience            in            sedimentological, geochemical mineralogical shelf / estuarine studies, shoreline evolution, paleoclimate, coastal protection studies.
   Experience in handling instruments such as Wave and Tide Gauges, Current Profiler, Bottom Pressure Recorder (BPR), Vertical Micro-Profiler, Echosounder, Sub-bottom profiler; collection of surficial / sediment core samples, beach and nearshore sediment samples; post-processing of recorded data; data analyses and interpretation.Experience in 2D / 3D Numerical Modelling (MIKE 21 / Delft / ROMS) of coastal processes, general circulation and shoreline evolution / profile changes in the nearshore region.Experience in computation of sediment budget.Handling sophisticated instruments such as XRD, SEM, PSA.Experience in preparation of technical reports.Capable of handling projects independently.

Age limit and Remuneration (DST OM SR/S9/Z-05/2019 dt. 10.07.2020)

  DesignationAge Limit (as on date of Walk-in- Interview)  Remuneration
Field Assistant /Technical Assistant  50  Rs. 20,000/- plus HRA *
        Project Associate-I        3531,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected throughNational Eligibility Tests -CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE orA selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.25,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (1) above.
Project Associate- II3535,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected throughNational Eligibility Tests -CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE orA selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and
  their Agencies and Institutions. (2) 28,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (1) above.
Project Scientist-I35Rs.56,000/- plus HRA **
Project Scientist-II40Rs.67,000/- plus HRA **
Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per GoI Rules.

Interested candidates may appear for the walk-in interview with ID proof, self-attested copies of certificates and mark lists showing educational qualifications, experience, age etc. and original certificates and mark lists for verification.

The decision of the Director, NCESS in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications shall be final and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual.


  1. Prospective candidates should regularly visit NCESS website: ncess.gov.in for further changes if any.
  2. Interview if not conducted on the specified day due to any unforeseen reasons will be held on the next working day.

Download Official Detailed Notification: Click Here

For more GIS Job Vacancies: Click Here

Job CategoryCivil Engineering, Geology, Geophysics, Govt GIS Jobs, RS and GIS

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