Walk-in-Interview: Resource Person (Senior), Research Associate-I, Junior Research Fellow, Resource Person (Junior) and Project Assistant

Walk-in-Interview: Resource Person (Senior), Research Associate-I, Junior Research Fellow, Resource Person (Junior) and Project Assistant

Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Posted 2 years ago
  • Organization: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HYDROLOGY, Department of Water Resources,
  • Location: R.D. & G.R. Jalvigyan Bhawan, Roorkee (Uttarakhand)
  • Walk-in-Interview: 01.09.2023, 11.00 AM at NIH, Roorkee ||08.09.202310.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee

Job Description (Resource Person (Senior), Research Associate-I, Junior Research Fellow, Resource Person (Junior) and Project Assistant)

Advertisement for the selection of Resource Person (Senior), Research Associate-I, Junior Research Fellow, Resource Person (Junior) and Project Assistant through Walk-in-Interview for the following Internal study and Projects.

  Sl. No.  Project/Sub-Project and Division Title  Designation  No. of Post  Duration  Qualification  Emoluments per monthDate, time & place of interview
1.Internal study titled “Geo-Hydro- Chemical                          and Isotopic Aspects of Occurrence                          of Springs:                   A               Case study               from                    the major                settlement areas of Bhagirathi basin, Uttarakhand, India”Resource Person (Senior)0101 year (likely to be extended 02 years more)Resource Person (Senior) Essential: Master Degree in Geology/Applied Geology/Water Resources /Hydrology/ Agricultural              Engg.                                 /Environmental Sciences/Remote Sensing & GIS and minimum post qualification experiences of 6 years in the requisite field. Person with higher/additional qualification, research experience, published papers and post qualification experience in the relevant filed would be preferred. Desirable: Having knowledge of RS & GIS and having working experience in hilly areas. Post duration: Initially this post will be for one year. However, duration can be extended up to 03 years or termination of the project, whichever is earlier.Rs.40,000/-                        to 70,000/-p.m.   + Rs.   3,000/-p.m. as                local conveyanceDated 01.09.2023 11.00 AM at NIH, Roorkee
2.For “Centre for cryosphere and climate                     change studies”Research Associate-I01Initially for one year (likely to be extended futher)Research Associate-I Essential: Ph.D in Hydrology, Geology, Earth Sciences/Civil       engineering/Water                             Resources Engineering/Geo-informatics/Agricultural Engineering OR M.E./M.Tech. in Hydrology,Geology, Earth Sciences/Civil Engg./Water Resources Engg. /Remote Sensing & GIS/Agricultural Engg. and having 3 years of research experience after M.E/M.Tech, with at least one research paper in SCI journal Preference will be given to NET/GATE (CSIR/UGC,ICAR, ICMR etc.) qualified candidates) Desirable: Experience in Snow-Glacier Dynamics, Snowmelt and Glacier Melt Runoff Modeling, Remore Sensing and GIS applications, Python Programming.Rs.58,000/-p.m+ HRA              (as applicable)Dated 01.09.2023 11.00 AM at NIH, Roorkee
3.Project                         entitled “Integrated Management                   of Water                Resources for Quantity and Quality in Upper Yamuna Basin upto Delhi”Research Associate-I0131.01.2024 (likely to be extended)Research Associate-I Essential: Ph.D. degree in Civil Engg. / Water Resources / Hydrology / Natural Resource Management / Earth Science / Environ. Engg./ Environ. Science/ Agricultural Engg. / Soil & Water Conservation Engg. OR M.E./M.Tech. in Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Env. Engg./ Soil & Water Conservation Engg. and having 3 years of research experience after M.E/M.Tech, with at least one research paper in SCI journal Nature of Work: Lab experiments, data processing and hydrological modeling. Preference will be given to meritorious candidates with experience in hydrological modeling using softwares such as GMS, HYDRUS, HEC-HMS, etc., work on GIS, statistical analysis, climate change impact analysis.Rs.58,000/-p.m+ HRA              (as applicable)Dated 01.09.2023 11.00 AM at NIH, Roorkee
  Junior Research Fellow0131.01.2024 (likely to be extended)Junior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Earth Science/ Applied Geology / Environmental Science with NET/GATE Qualification OR M.E. / MTech in Civil Engg. / Water Resources / Hydrology / Environmental Engg. / Agricultural Engg. / Soil & Water Conservation Engg./ Geological Technology. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc.   Nature of Work: Lab experiments, data processing and support in hydrological modeling. Preference will be given to meritorious candidates with experience in GIS, statistical analysis, water quality       analyses,       hydrological                  modeling, and impact of climate change.Rs.37,000/-p.m+ HRA              (as applicable)Dated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
4.Project                      entitled “Enhancing Food and Water Security in Arid Region through Improved Understanding of Quantity, Quality and Management of Blue, Green and Grey Water”Junior Research Fellow0231.01.2024 (likely to be extended)Junior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Earth Science/ Applied Geology / Environmental Science with NET/GATE Qualification OR M.E. / MTech in Civil Engg. / Water Resources / Hydrology / Environmental Engg. / Agricultural Engg. / Soil & Water Conservation Engg. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc.   Nature of Work: Field experiments & investigations, hydrologic modeling Preference will be given to meritorious candidates having experience of working on GIS, hydrologic modeling, impact of climate change.Rs.37,000/-p.m+ HRA              (as applicable)Dated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
5.Study   under    NHP titled “Integrated Reservoir Operation Studies for              Mahanadi Reservoir Project Complex               in Chhattisgarh”       (For                 Regional Centre at Bhopal)Junior Research Fellow0106 monthsJunior Research Fellow Essential: B. Tech. in Civil Engg./Agricultural Engg. OR M. Tech. in Civil Engg./Agricultural Engg. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc. Desirable: Good experience of computer language (python, R etc.) Preference will be given to the candidate’s having working experience in Remote Sensing and GIS, data collection and analysis.Rs. 37,000/- + HRA ( as admissible)Dated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
6.Project   titled   DST- NWO Consortia “Changing the fate of the Hindon river by evaluating the impact                             of agriculture on the water                   balance Developing             a template for a cleaner                               Ganga River”Junior Research Fellow01Initially for one year (likely to be extended futher)Junior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Sciences (Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental Sciences). OR M.Tech in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Applied Geology, Chemical Engineering. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc. Nature of work: Experience in Hydrological modeling, RS & GIS ApplicationTo carry out field and laboratory investigations for River Hindon Basin.Rs. 37,000/- + HRA ( as admissible)Dated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
Project Assistant01Initially for one year (likely to be extended futher)Project Assistant Essential: B.Sc./3 years diploma in Civil Engineering. Nature of work:        To carry out field and laboratory investigations for River Hindon Basin.Rs. 20,000/- + HRA ( as admissible)Dated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
7.Project                           titled “Monitoring                            and Assessment                            of Mountain Ecosystem                    and Services in North- West                Himalaya (Phase-II): Monitoring                   and Modeling                             of Hydrological Processes                             in Glaciated and Non- Glaciated Watersheds                             of North-West Himalaya”Junior Research Fellow0101 yearsJunior Research Fellow Essential: Post Graduate Degree in Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences). OR M.Tech in Civil Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, Remote Sensing & GIS/Water Resource Engineering. Selection through a process described through any one of the following: Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE.The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, NISER etc. Nature of work: To carry out field and investigations for Remote Sensing & GIS, Climate Change, Hydrological modeling & analysis. Knowledge of Programming, language Python will be additional advantage.Rs. 37,000/- + HRA ( as admissible)Dated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
8.Internal study titled Feasibility of Open Sources Data for the Estimation                   of Runoff and Water Storage                         Capacity for              Rainwater Harvesting Strategies”Resource Person (Junior)01Initially for one year (likely to be extended 01years more)Resource Person (Junior) Essential: Bachelor Degree in Civil Engg/ Agriculture Engg. or Master’s Degree in Science subjects such as Geology /Earth Sciences/Remote Sensing & GIS. Desirable: Having knowledge of RS & GIS/ AUTO-CAD,  Survey                                 equipment/Lake Hydrology/Climate change and Person with higher/additional qualification, research experience, published papers in peer reviewed journals and post qualification experience in the relevant field would be preferred. Post duration: Initially this post will be for one year. However, duration can be extended up to 03 years or completion of the study, whichever is earlier.Rs.20,000/-     to 40,000/-p.m.    + Rs.   1,500/-p.m. as                local conveyanceDated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
9.Internal study titled “Water Productivity assessment               in Irrigation Projects by           Geo-Spatial Optimization Techniques”   (For             Regional Centre at Belagavi)Resource Person (Junior)01Initially for one year (likely to be extended 02 years more)Resource Person (Junior) Essential: Bachelor’s degree (Civil/ Agriculture) and Master degree (Hydrology/Water Resources/ Soil water / Agriculture engineering or equivalent) Desirable: Background of expertise in GIS, Python and Optimization models preferred.Rs.20,000/-     to 40,000/-p.m.    + Rs.   1,500/-p.m. as                local conveyanceDated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
10.Internal study titled “Developing                               a Stable                     Isotopic Analysis System for analyzing                           the dissolved Nitrates in water”Resource Person (Junior)011 ½ yearsResource Person (Junior) Essential: Master Degree in Analytical Chemistry or B. Tech. in Instrumentation/Chemical Engg./Bio-technology, and minimum 3 years of relevant experience in laboratories of national repute. OR Ph. D in science or M.Tech. in relevant field. Responsibilities: Review the existing methods and develop a suitable analytical methodSupport in sample analysisPrepare technical documentationTroubleshoot technical issuesData interpretation and quality technical writing.Solving troubleshoots during experimentation. Skills required: Proficiency in high-end analytical instruments.Expertise in developing analytical methods.Strong technical documentation and communication skills.Knowledge      of      Isotope      Ratio Mass- spectrometers and related techniques for nitrate analysisRs.20,000/- to 40,000/-p.m. + Rs. 1,500/-p.m. as local conveyanceDated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee
11.Project            entitled “Groundwater fluctuations                            and conductivity monitoring                                       in Punjab-              New evidence                                    of groundwater dynamics in Punjab from high frequency groundwater                        level and                       salinity measurements”Project Assistant0130.11.2023Project Assistant Essential: Graduate in Geology, Science in (Physics, Chemistry, Math) /3 years Diploma in Civil EngineeringRs.20,000/-p.m+ HRA(as applicable)Dated 08.09.2023 10.30 AM at NIH, Roorkee

General conditions:

  1. Professionals with requisite qualifications and experience as prescribed would be eligible for the appointment of above posts.
  2. Selected candidates would be engaged for a fixed period for providing high quality services to the Institute for attending to specific and time-bound jobs.
  3. The appointment would be on Full-time basis and they would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of Consultancy with the NIH.
  4. The appointment is purely temporary on co-terminus basis and do not entitle the appointee to any claim implicit or explicit or any NIH post. The appointment can be cancelled at any time by the Institute without assigning any reason.
  5. The initial term of appointment and subsequent extension (s) if any, shall be decided on case to case basis depending upon the specific job and the time frame for its completion.
  6. The selected candidates shall not be entitled to any allowance such as Dearness Allowance, Residential Telephone, Transport facility, Personal Staff etc.
  7. The selected candidates may be provided with the transit accommodation as per prevailing rules of the Institute. The applicable licence fee shall be charged and they will vacate the accommodation on the termination or expiry of the tenure, whichever is earlier.
  8. The selection of candidates will be made through Walk-in-Interview. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for attending the interview. No TA/DA shall be admissible for joining the appointment on contractual basis. The selected candidate shall be allowed TA/DA for their travel inside the country in connection with the official work.
  9. Candidates can directly attend the walk-in-interview on the prescribed date, time at NIH along with complete bio-data, passport size photograph and original proof of qualification and experience. They must also bring with them self-attested copies of their certificates. Candidate may report in NIH in one hour before Interview time. After starting of Interview, admission in the same will not be allowed.
  10. Bio-data Format for the posts: Advt. No., Post applied for, Sub-project/Sub-projects in which the candidate intends to work in the order of preference of Sub-project title, Name of candidate, Father’s name, Date of birth, Age, Nationality, Marital status, Category (SC/ST/OBC/PH/Gen), Address for communication, Telephone No., Details of qualifications (High School onwards giving exam passed, year of passing, Name of Board/ University, Subjects, division with percentage of marks, Working experience {Mentioning S. No., Organisation/Institute, Period (from . . .   to), Nature of work and remarks}…., Research Paper published if any, Knowledge of software, any other additional information, List of enclosures and Signature of Candidate with date. (Copy enclosed)
  11. Maximum Age for Research Associate-I shall be 35 years and Junior Research Fellow will be 28 years as on the date of interview. Age relaxation of SC/ST/OBC/Women and physically handicapped candidates as per Govt. of India rules.
  12. No. of posts may increase or decrease depending on the projects.

Note: Candidates before appearing for the Walk-in-Interview shall ensure that they are eligible (in the required field) for the position they intend to apply. Out station candidates are required to make their own boarding and lodging arrangement at Roorkee.

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