Senior Research Fellow

New Delhi
Posted 3 years ago
  • Location: Pusa, New Delhi
  • Interview via Video-Conferencing: 21.02.2022 from 10:00

Job Description (Senior Research Fellow):

Interview via Video-Conferencing will be held on 21.02.2022 from 10:00 a.m. onwards at I.C.A.R.I.A.S.R.I., New Delhi for the following posts under project “Integrated Sample Survey Solution for Major Livestock Products”. The appointment will be on contractual basis and co-terminus with the project. The incumbent shall not have any claim for regular appointment under ICAR.

Candidates       are      requested     to     apply     through     the     Google                        Form    provided      at        the          link          –

Name and Number of the postsLast Date of TenureQualifications EssentialQualifications Desirables
            01: Senior Research Fellow    31.01.2023     Master’s degree in Agriculture Statistics/ Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Computer Engineering/ Remote Sensing/ GIS/ Remote Sensing & GIS/  Geoinformatics/ Geo-Sciences/ Spatial Data Science/ Geo-information Science or equivalent  with  4 or 5 years of Bachelor’s degree. OR Master’s degree in Agriculture Statistics/ Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Computer Engineering/ Geomatics/ Geology/ Geography/ Earth Science/ Environmental Science/ Environmental Geomatics or equivalent with PG Diploma in Remote Sensing/ GIS/ Remote Sensing & GIS/ Geoinformatics with  4 or 5 years of Bachelor’s degree. OR Ph.D. in Agriculture Statistics/ Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Remote Sensing/ GIS/ Remote      Sensing    &     GIS/                 Geoinformatics/  Geomatics/ Geo-Sciences/ Spatial Data Science/ Geo-information Science or equivalent Note: Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification.ï‚· Knowledge   of   ArcGIS,   Web GIS,  Web Map server, Satellite Image  analysis and programming    in    R/  IDL/ MatLab/ Python            
01: Developer (DevOPS)   Strong working knowledge in System Designing, JAVA, APIs. SQL, Version Control (GIT). Minimum IT experience of 4 years as software developer. BE/B-Tech in Computer Science/ IT/ Electronics. Exp. of Project Execution, Reporting.        SQL query skills Performance Tuning. Experience in Android App Development.Design, build, deploy and maintain web portal and APIs (scalable web services) – REST, SOAP. Proficiencyand hands-on experience in debugging, designing, building, deploying and maintaining android application. Experience in handling big data and optimizing the retrieval of data. Experience in handling all India level surveys. Proficiency in constructing and developing algorithms for fast and reliable sample selection. Experience in developing and maintaining scrutiny algorithms for data cleaning. Experience in reviewing and analysing project requirements and providing technical feasibility and time estimates. Experience in implementing modern authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web Token and OAuth2 Experience in working with outside data sources and APIs. Proficiency in creating custom wrappers around them.  Experience in working on bug-fixing and improving application performance.  Experience in working with Postgres, SQL.  Experience in integrating SMS and email gateways of the application Experience in adopting best databases and ensuring performance.
Sl. No.Name of the PostsAmount
1.DeveloperConsolidated Rs. 1,00,000/- per month
2.Senior Research FellowConsolidated Rs.31,000/- + HRA (as per central govt. norms) per month for 1st and 2nd year & Consolidated Rs.35,000/- + HRA (as per central govt. norms) per month from 3rd year.
1.DeveloperAge for Developer should be not more than 45 years as on the date of the interview.
2.Senior Research FellowAge for SRF should be not more than 35 years (5 years relaxation for SC/ST/women candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates) as on the date of the interview.


  1. All candidates are requested to read carefully and abide by Instructions.
  2. All       the       candidates       have     to         apply   online on Google            Form   provided          on        the       link- latest by 17.02.2022 at 04:30pm. It is mandatory to attach a copy of all the documents mentioned below (in chronological order) (as and where applicable) with the form. It is mandatory to attach a recent passport size photograph along with the resume. Applications received after 4:30 PM on 17.02.2022 will not be considered for further processing.
    1. Class 10 Mark sheet 
    2. Class 10 Pass Certificate 
    3. Class 12 Mark sheet 
    4. Class 12 Pass Certificate 
    5. Graduation Mark sheet/ Transcript
    6. Graduation Degree Certificate 
    7. Post-Graduation Mark sheet/ Transcript 
    8. Post-Graduation Degree Certificate 
    9. Ph.D. Marksheet
    10. Ph.D. Degree Certificate
    11. Valid NET/GATE qualified scorecard/certificate (as & where applicable) 
    12. Research Publications (as & where applicable)– Copy of 1st page along with Abstract of research publication
    13. Experience Certificate (as & where applicable) 
    14. No-Objection Certificate (essentially required if currently employed, as & where applicable) 
    15. Conversion factor from CGPA to percentage, wherever applicable 
    16. SC/ST/OBC Non-Creamy Layer/PH certificate as applicable 
    17. Any other relevant documents 
  3. Those candidates who fail to upload the documents that suffice the minimum eligibility criteria for the posts applied for, on or before the due date & time, their candidature is liable to be cancelled. 
  4. Concealing of facts or Incomplete Applications or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination.
  5. Depending upon the number of applications received, the process of short listing the candidates may be done. Candidate’s maximum 10 times per post will be called for interview.
  6. Institute will not be responsible for any internet/connectivity issues.
  7. The positions are purely temporary, on a contractual basis and initially offered for one year or till project duration, whichever is earlier. Subject to the performance of the candidate, the period of appointment may extend year to year basis till completion of the project. The person selected will have no right to claim employment or engagement in ICAR at the end of the contract period.
  8. If the candidate’s near or distant relative is an employee of the ICAR/IASRI, he/she has to send the filled, scanned copy of ANNEXURE-I mentioning the name, designation, nature of duties, relationship.
  9. The total number of vacancies may vary depending on other project requirements, if any, on the date of interview.
  10. Candidates should also send along with the Resume the No Objection Certificate from their present employer, if any.
  11. The Competent Authority/Director of the Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.
  12. Decision of Director, IASRI will be final and binding in all respects.
  13. In case of any disputes, it will be resolved within the jurisdiction of New Delhi Court only.
  14. Candidates can give the Interview in English/Hindi language.

*Examination conducted by various Central Government Departments/Agencies like CSIR-UGC, ICMR, ICAR, DAE, DST, DBT, GATE etc., are considered as National Eligibility Test (NET) as mentioned in the OM SR/S9/Z-09/2012 of DST dated 21.10.2014.

Download Official Notification: Click Here

For more GIS Job Vacancies: Click Here

Job CategoryComputer Science, Geo-informatics, Govt GIS Jobs, RS and GIS

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