NIDM Recruitment: Consultant and Jr. Consultant

Posted 3 years ago
  • Organization: National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM)
  • Location: 21.12.2021

Job Description (Consultant and Jr. Consultant)

National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) invites proposals for engagement of Consultant and Jr. Consultant for Preparation of Training Module on “Forest Fire” on the following terms and conditions:

1.  Proposal

NIDM proposes to engage one Consultant and one Jr. Consultant for Preparation of Training Module on “Forest Fire”. The Consultant shall be paid fixed amount of Rs. 1,25,000/- and Jr. Consultant shall be paid fixed amount of Rs.50,000/- on completion of whole work. The work is required to be completed within a period of six months.

2.  Scope of work

The work for Preparation of Training Module on “Forest Fire” includes Desk Research, Field Visit (if required) to the study area/site, coordination and collection of information from the line departments, Compilation of data and analysis, Report making and any other related activity required for developing the document.

3.  How to apply

Interested candidates may submit their application in the prescribed format with superscription “Application for engagement of _                                                           (Consultant/Jr. Consultant for Preparation of Training Module on “Forest Fire”). Application should be addressed to The Executive Director, National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Plot no. 15, Pocket-3, Block-B, Sector-29, Rohini, Delhi-110042 and must reach latest by 21 days from date of publication i.e., 21.12.2021. Soft copy of the application may also be sent through email at [email protected].

4.  Eligibility Criteria

  • Consultant:    Candidate     should     have    a    Masters    degree     in Social Sciences/Geography/GIS/Geometrics/Environmental/Earth Science/Engineering/Disaster        Management/Hydrology/Hydrogeology                                           or           allied subjects with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. Candidate should have good academic record with Ph.D degree in the concerned or allied disciplines along with 10 years of relevant experience;
  • Jr.   Consultant:   Candidate    should        have               a                 Masters        degree            in                Social Sciences/Geography/GIS/Geometrics/Environmental/Earth Science/Engineering/Disaster Management/Hydrology/Hydrogeology or allied subjects with at least 50% marks or its equivalent in Masters degree with consistent good academic record;

5.  Terms & Conditions

  • Since the work is time bound, commitment is required to produce desired outputs timely, on need basis.
    • Confidentiality of the work is required to be maintained at all times and the work may be discussed & submitted only to designated officers of NIDM.
    • Apart from the fixed amount mentioned above for the work, no other charges shall be payable.
    • The final document shall be the property of the NIDM/Govt. of India and may not be used/shared with any other entity in future.
    • NIDM reserves the sole right to accept or reject any or all proposals thus received without assigning any reason thereof.
    • NIDM will not be responsible for any delay on account of late submission of application. Late receipt of application will not be considered and will be rejected summarily.

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Job CategoryEarth Science, Environmental Science, Geo-informatics, Geography

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