New Delhi
Posted 3 years ago
  • Location: New Delhi
  • Deadline: 21 December 2021


The Head, Division of Agricultural Physics, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012, wishes to immediately recruit various posts purely on temporary/contractual basis in the ICAR funded project ICAR-Network Program on Precision Agriculture (NePPA) as per the particulars given below.

Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, the eligible candidates are requested to send their application in the enclosed proforma (Annexure I) along with scanned copy of the original documents (as a single PDF file) through the web-link ( latest by 21 December 2021. After screening the applications, only the eligible candidates will be informed for appearing the online interview to be scheduled during Dec 27-29, 2021 by email/phone. Original documents will be verified at the time of appointment. If any candidate is found to have submitted the false claims, at later stage he/she will be terminated with immediate effect.

Name of the ProjectName of PositionEmoluments (per month)Educational Qualification and Experience
Project Title: “ICAR- Network Program on Precision Agriculture (NePPA)”   Funded by ICAR   Date of Project Termination: March 31, 2026Project Scientist (ONE)Rs 67000/-pm +HRA*   (increment of 5% for every 2years of experience)   Upper age: 35 yearsEssential: Ph.D. in Agricultural Physics/ Remote Sensing & GIS / Geomatics / Geoinformatics/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/Electrical /Electronic engineering from a recognized university / institution with thesis research program on Remote Sensing/image analysis and with minimum 4 years of Bachelor’s degree.   Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification**.   Research Experience: Minimum 5 years experience in the same domain with at least three publications in SCI/SCIE reputed international journals. Desirable:           Experience / working knowledge on processing images of multispectral, thermal and hyperspectral sensors from ground, airborne and satellite platforms for agricultural applications. Developing soft computing algorithms for big data analytics including deep learning and machine learning. Well versed in programming using R / IDL / Python / Matlab for spatial data/image processing, spatial data analytics tools and software, Google Earth Engine and familiar with all remote sensing satellite data products. Compiling reports for project related documentation and publications.
 Research Associate (RA)- A   (ONE)Rs. 54000/- pm + HRA*Essential:        Ph.D.       in        Agricultural Physics/Remote      Sensing      &      GIS     / Geomatics / Geoinformatics/ Environment Science / Geophysics / Geography/Civil Engineering/Electronics/Atmospheric Sciences from a recognized university / institution    with    minimum    4    years    of Bachelor’s degree.
  Rs. 49000/- pm + HRA* For Master’s degree holders     Upper age: 35 yearsMTech/MSc. Agricultural Physics/Remote Sensing      &      GIS      /      Geomatics      / Geoinformatics/    Environment    Science    / Geophysics            /            Geography/Civil Engineering/Electronics/Atmospheric Sciences     or     equivalent     and    relevant sciences with three years of experience in the same field
   Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification**.
   Desirable: Working experience in imaging and non-imaging spectroscopy of soil and crops, digital image processing of different satellite data products, modelling of spectral data, using machine and deep learning algorithms, understanding of soil physics/soil fertility/crop stress/ plant nutrition. Handling ground/airborne /satellite multispectral and hyperspectral data
 Research Associate (RA)-B     ONERs. 54000/- pm + HRA* for PhD Degree holders

Rs. 49000/-
pm + HRA* For Master’s degree holders
Upper age: 35 years
Essential: Ph.D. in Computer Science/Statistics/Agricultural Statistics/ Bioinformatics/Remote Sensing & GIS / Geomatics / Physics/ Geoinformatics/ Electrical               /Civil/               Electronic Engineering//Information Technology and relevant sciences with Thesis research program on image processing/Big data analytics/ remote sensing from a recognized university / institution with 4/5 years of Bachelor’s degree.


MTech/MSc. In Computer Science/ Statistics/ Agricultural Statistics Bioinformatics/Remote Sensing & GIS / Geomatics / Physics/ Geoinformatics/ Electrical /Civil/ Electronics Engineering//Information Technology and relevant sciences with three years of experience in the same field
Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification**.
Desirable: Experience / Knowledge of data science, deep learning/machine learning/ Google Earth Engine, expertise in remote sensing, processing of different sensors (RGB, multispectral, hyperspectral, MIR), drone remote sensing, robotics, familiar with R/Python/ MATLAB programming with experience in handling
different sensors for image acquisition.
 Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-A   ONERs. 31000/- pm + HRA* For 1st and 2nd year & Rs. 35000/- pm + HRA for 3rd year   Upper age: 35 yearsEssential: M.Sc. (Agricultural Physics/Soil Science & Agril Chemistry/Agricultural statistics), M.A./M.Sc. (Geography), M.Sc. (Geology/Physics), M.Tech (Remote Sensing & GIS, Geoinformatics)/ Environmental Science/ Electrical /Electronics/Civil Engineering and relevant sciences with working experience on remote sensing, from a recognized university / institution with 4/5 years of Bachelor’s degree. Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification**.
   Desirable: Experience in acquiring processing hyperspectral remote sensing data/ imaging spectrometry/ ArcGIS/ Google earth engine/Modelling/ IoTs/ Robotics/Drone remote sensing, Satellite image analysis, and programming in R / IDL/ Python for image processing.
 Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-B   ONERs. 31000/-
pm + HRA* For 1st and 2nd year & Rs.
35000/- pm + HRA for 3rd year
Upper age: 35 years  
Essential: M. Tech. /M. E. (Agricultural Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/ Computer Science) with 4/5 years Bachelor’s degree and should have qualified NET (ICAR/ UGC/ CSIR) or GATE   Desirable: Experience in Robotics, Drone, CAD for mechanical, electronic circuit development, Computer programming-C, Python and Android Application programming.
 Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-C   ONE Rs. 31000/-
pm + HRA* For 1st and 2nd year & Rs.
35000/- pm + HRA for 3rd year
Upper age: 35 years
Essential: M.Sc. in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry/Soil Science/ Agronomy Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification**. Desirable: Knowledge of soil and plant analysis, and computer handling. Work experience on conducting field trials.
 Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-D     ONE Rs. 31000/-
pm + HRA* For 1st and 2nd year & Rs.
35000/- pm + HRA for 3rd year
Upper age: 35 years
Essential: M.Sc. Degree in Agriculture (Agronomy / Soil Science) Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification**. Desirable: Knowledge of handling of field experimentations, soil and plant samples, knowledge in computer applications, data entry/analysis, statistical analysis of data, interpretation of results, report writing
 Senior Research Fellow (SRF)- E   ONE Rs. 31000/-
pm + HRA* For 1st and 2nd year & Rs.
35000/- pm + HRA for 3rd year
Upper age: 35 years
Essential: M. Tech./ M.E. (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/ Land and Water Management Engineering/ Soil and Water Engineering/ Irrigation and Drainage Engineering/ Water Resource Development and Management/ Water Resource Engineering/ Water Science and Technology (B. Tech. background in Agricultural Engineering) /Computer / Civil Engineering with 4/5 years Bachelor’s degree and should have qualified NET (ICAR/UGC/CSIR) or GATE with two years of research experience.

Desirable: Working experience in the field of different irrigation systems/ DSS/ IoT/ Irrigation automation/Remote sensing and GIS/Geoinformatics/ Protected or Precision Agriculture
 Young Professional -II (YP-II)   (TWO)Rs. 35,000/- (consolidated)   Upper age: 35 yearsEssential: B.E. / B. Tech (Aerospace Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering and equivalent)/Civil /Electrical/Electronics engineering Desirable: Working experience in Agricultural drone piloting, assembling and fabrication of drones, and training of pilots for at least a total of 1 year in reputed organizations especially in Agricultural Universities & reputed Drone Start-Up companies, handling both fixed wing and multi-copter, drone data processing and analysis. Robotics /Mechatronics/ IoTs etc
 Young Professiona l-1- Accounts & Finance (YP-I-A&F)   (ONE)Rs. 25000/- (consolidated)   Upper age: 35 yearsEssential: Graduation in any subject from a recognized University Desirable: At least five years working experience in (a) data entry and analysis (b) office record keeping (c) budget / procurement handling (d) good communication skills (e) Finance and accounting
 Project Assistant (PA)   (THREE)Rs 25000/- (consolidated)   Upper age: 35 yearsEssential: Graduation in any subject from a recognized University Desirable: Three years of working experiences, knowledge of computer application, data entry and analysis in Microsoft Excel, especially analysis of field/lab data with at least three years suitable experience, handling sophisticated instruments like Spectro-radiometer, FTIR, multispectral and hyperspectral sensors, canopy analyzer, SPAD, Mobile platform, drones etc. experience in spectral data collection both in field and lab conditions, data retrieval and pre- processing of spectral data, lab analysis of soil and plant samples
 Field Worker# (Skilled Helper) (TWO)Rs. 18797/- Upper age: 45 yearsEssential: Class 10th pass Desirable: Experience of working in the field, sowing, irrigation, weeding, harvesting, sample preparation for nutrient analysis, soil sample collection, and general lab cleaning & maintenance.
 Field worker# (Semi- Skilled Helper) (FIVE)Rs. 18797/- Upper age: 45 yearsEssential: Non matriculate Desirable: Experience of working in the field, sowing, irrigation, weeding, harvesting, sample preparation for nutrient analysis, soil sample collection, and general lab cleaning & maintenance.

*HRA as per ICAR guidelines.

** As per ICAR / IARI OM F .No. Edn. /6/27/2014/HRD dated July 13, 2015).

# Candidates may submit hard copy of the duly filled application form in the office on or before due date

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis. The posts are co-terminus with the Project. Currently the project is sanctioned up to 31.03.2026.
  2. The age relaxation of five years for SC/ST/Women & three years for OBC as on 21-Dec- 2021.
  3. *For SRF post, Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with 4 years / 5 years of Bachelor’s degree is mandatory. Candidates having PG degree in Basic Sciences with 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualification as mentioned in the ICAR F. No. Edn. /6/27/2014/HRD dated July 13, 2015.
  4. The candidates will have to compulsorily filled in application form (as per the format annexed), all the scan certificates from matriculation onwards, date of birth certificate, NET/equivalent certificate, degree certificate either original or provisional, proof of experience, publications and a recent photograph attached onto the scan application form.
  5. The selected candidate will be required to produce all the original documents and medical certificate at the time of joining.
  6. Candidates should bring project work reports/thesis/dissertation, testimonials / work certificates, published papers etc. to support their claim of experience.
  7. No objection certificate from the employer shall be produced in case the candidate is employed elsewhere.
  8. Only the candidates having essential qualification would be entertained for the interview.
  9. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments at this Institute as the post is co-terminus with the respective Project.
  10. No remuneration will be paid for attending for the online interview or joining, if selected.
  11. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination.
  12. In case of any discrepancy, English version may be treated as final.
  13. Institute retains the right to not select any candidate / scrap any of the positions even after interview.

Download Official Notification: Click Here

For more GIS Job Vacancies: Click Here

Job CategoryAgricultural Science, Geo-informatics, Govt GIS Jobs, RS and GIS

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