GIS-Digitization Supervisor

Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Posted 3 years ago
  • Organization: Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
  • Location: IIT, Jodhpur, India
  • Deadline: 10 June 2022

Job Description (GIS-Digitization Supervisor)

Applications are invited from the citizen of India for filling up the following temporary position in the Sponsored Research Project at this Institute. The position is purely temporary, initially for a period of 03 Months, and extendable but co-terminus with the duration of the project, on contractual basis with consolidated pay. The requisite qualification, experience and others details are given below:

1.Project No.S/CWC/AKP/20210106
2.Project TitleGPS Survey  of  WAQF  properties  updation  in  an  online WAQF assets management system of India(WAMSI)
3.Name of the Project InvestigatorDr. Anand K Plappally
4.Duration for initial appointment03 Months
5.Name of the PostGIS-Digitization Supervisor
7.Consolidate PayRs. 25,000/-
8.Minimum                   Qualification                           and ExperienceEssential Qualification: Graduate and Post Graduate in any stream with GPS/GIS project work.   Desired Qualification: Desirable GIS experience of 3 years. Wamsi app usage expertise or earlier waqf board experience with GIS basics. Requirement of travelling across Rajasthan is mandatory for this post for more than 25%.
09.Brief description of ProjectThis is a work order received from Central Waqf Council(CWC). GIS/GPS based survey of Waqf properties across Rajasthan.
10.Job DescriptionVerifying the Layout generated by WAMSI GIS system vis-à- vis Layouts of Revenue Records and Waqf Registration Documents after uploading of GPS survey Data by  GPS Survey Agencies/Field Staff of Waqf Board.B. Verification should be done in the terms of Location, Shape Size of present Divisions of Waqf Properties under each Waqf Estate.Verifying the photographs and their Geo-Locations on WAMSI on-line System after uploading them, whether they belong to same GIS Map Location or not.Resolve any issue pertaining to defining of Waqf Properties Divisions in consultation with CWC immediately, so that GPS survey Work is not struck or hampered.
  Monitor the targets of GIS Mapping set by CWC on monthly basis and provide reasons for not achieving the targets in that month.Follow-up with GPS Survey Agency if there is shortfall.Generating Daily/Weekly/Monthly MIS Reports.Generating Alerts for urgent cases and take feedbacksReporting the status to CEO-SWB/Secy-CWC/ NICPMU/MoMA.
11.Maximum Age45 Years

The candidates possessing the requisite qualification and experience should apply through the ONLINE process up to 10 June 2022. The candidates are advised to send a soft copy of the application with all relevant documents to [email protected] (Please mention the advertisement number in the subject line of the email).No need to send a hard copy.

 General Instructions to Applicant(s)

1.The post(s) is purely temporary and contractual for a period of 03 Months, and extension based on satisfactory performance, but co-terminus with the duration of the project
2.Application which is incomplete, not in prescribed format, without photograph or unsigned will be summarily rejected.
3.Certificate in support of experience should be in proper format i.e. it should be on the organizations letter head, bear the date of issue, specific period of work, name and designation  of the issuing authority along with his signature.
4.Institute reserves the right to: Fix, modify or revise the eligibility conditions, age and selection criteria as per its requirements, at any time.Fill up the post, not to fill up the post or cancel the advertisement in whole or partly without assigning any reason.Place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for the Written Test and/or Skill Test, Interview.
5.The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be terminated.
6.Higher initial pay may be given to exceptionally qualified/deserving candidate.
7.No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
8.No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding interview and reasons for not being called for interview.
9.Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
10.No interim correspondence will be entertained.
11.No need to send hard copy.

Download Official Detailed Notification: Click Here

For more GIS Job Vacancies: Click Here

Job CategoryGeo-informatics, Govt GIS Jobs, RS and GIS

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