INCOIS Recruitment: 30 Project Scientist-I (GIS)

  • Organization: Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
  • Last date of online application: September 22, 2021
  • Advertisement No. : Advt. No. INCOIS/RMT/03/2021
  • Post Code: 07
  • Name of the Post: Project Scientist – I
  • No. of Posts: 30 (Thirty)
  • Age Limit: 35 Years
  • Consolidated Monthly Emoluments: Rs. 56,000 + HRA

Job Details (Project Scientist):

INCOIS invites applications for the Project Scientist positions from eligible Indian Nationals for preparation of a panel of names for engagement on contract basis against the following temporary positions for one year upon approval of project proposals for 2021-26 by Government of India. The number of positions is tentative and is likely to vary depending upon actual requirement and orders of Government of India.

Essential Qualifications:

Masters degree in Oceanic Sciences/ Atmospheric Sciences / Climate Sciences / Zoology/ Fisheries/ Marine Sciences /Meteorology / Oceanography / Physical Oceanography / Marine Chemistry/ Marine Biology/ Physics / Mathematics / Geoinformatics/ Geophysics / Ocean Technology/ Naval Architecture [or] Bachelors degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical from a recognized university / institute with at least 60% of marks in the qualifying degree or equivalent.

Desirable Qualifications & Experience:

Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography / Marine Sciences / Chemical Oceanography / Meteorology/ Atmospheric Sciences/ Geoinformatics / Geophysics/ Mathematics.

Experience in one or more of the following areas

  • Ocean observations (in situ, Remote Sensing, ship based), laboratory analysis, processing of high resolution ocean/atmospheric data including bio-optical, physico-chemical & fisheries data, process studies, etc.
  • Ocean/atmospheric modelling, model parameterization and data assimilation including ocean circulation, waves, storm surges, tsunamis, tides, oil spills etc for providing operational services.
  • Data analysis software (Ferret, python, GRADS, ODV etc.), programming languages (Matlab, C, Fortran, etc.), AI&ML applications, Ensemble techniques, GIS Application development (Arc Engine, ArcGIS Server, open source GIS tools etc.), Satellite Data processing (SeaDAS).
  • Fisheries Forecasting/Management (Primary productivity modeling, Ecosystem modeling) and Coastal Zone Management (coral reefs, vulnerability and risk assessment, climate change impacts etc).
  • Research Experience proven through reputed peer-reviewed SCI publications.


Responsibilities will include one or more of the following activities:

  • In-situ and remote sensing observations.
  • Ocean/Atmospheric modeling & data assimilation.
  • Quality control and analysis of in-situ and remote sensing data.
  • Enhancement of ocean information and advisory services related to
  • Marine ecosystem, Ocean State Forecast, Oceanogenic disasters,
  • Coastal Geo-Spatial, Ocean Data etc.
  • Work onboard boats/ships at sea.
  • 24/7 shift operations.
  • R&D and teaching activities.
  • Any other job that may be assigned from time to time.

Official Notification: Click here

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