Government GIS Jobs in India

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GMDA Recruitment 2022-23|Geospatial Assistant

Job Description (Geospatial Assistant) Advertisement for Appointment of 10 (Ten) Geospatial Assistant in GMDA on Contract Basis under GMDA (Appointment of Temporary Staff) Regulation, 2018

Research Associate

Job Description (Research Associate) Advertisement for the selection of Research Associate, Project Associate-I and Resource Person (Junior/Senior) through Walk-in-Interview for the following Internal Study, Projects

NDMA Recruitment 2022: Consultants

Job Description (NDMA Recruitment) Sl. No. Name of Position Post in Nature No. of Vacancy Educational Qualification Post Qualification Experience Max. Age Limit 1. Senior

Harsac Recruitment 2022

Job Description (Harsac Recruitment 2022) Online Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for various posts on contractual basis under different projects. Detail in this

Research Associate |System Manager -GIS

Job Description (Research Associate |System Manager) Walk-in-interview for engagement of the following technical and non-technical manpower on contractual basis under the World Bank assisted project

Junior Research Fellow

Job Description (Junior Research Fellow) National Institute of Technology Nagaland (NIT Nagaland) is one among ten newly established NITs sanctioned during the XI five year

Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited from Indian nationals only for project position(s) as per the details given below for the research project(s) under the Principal investigator: Dr.

Project Scientist

With reference to the Institute’s advertisement for various project positions of the institute, the walk-in- interview was scheduled to be held on 22.11.2022. In this

Remote Sensing GIS Jobs: 50 Positions

Remote Sensing Jobs| GIS Jobs Applications are invited from Indian young dynamic eligible candidate who has passion for innovation and work with contemporary technologies such

Project Fellow

Organization: Department of Geology, University of Kerala Location: Kariavattom-695581,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Deadline: Walk-In Interview 21/11/2022 Walk-in interview for the eligible candidates for the post of Project Fellow in the

Project Personnel

Contractual Engagement of Project Personnel for the project “Development of LandscapeManagement Plan and Monitoring with reference to Ken-Betwa River Link Project in Panna TigerReserve, Madhya

List of Government GIS Jobs available on:

Government GIS Jobs in India 2023: Click Here

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